- This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101046835.
EIC Tech to Market Info Session titled "Journey towards Entrepreneurship & Venture building"
Project member from Trinity College Dublin was invited to give a testimonial about the EIC Tech to Market Programme during the EIC Tech to Market (T2M) online info session on 29 May 2024.
Advanced Materials Show (2024)
Dr. Apostolos Koutsioukis from Trinity College Dublin promoted a poster on behalf of ThermoDust during the Advanced Materials Show at NEC Birmingham (UK), in May 2024.
The 30th Cold Spray Club
Siyuan Ruan and Prof. Shuo Yin from TCD presented on behalf of the ThermoDust team at the 30th Cold Spray Club meeting held at the University of Barcelona.
EIC T2M Pioneer Programme for Innovative Researchers (kick-off on 11th October 2023)
Including 15 collective sessions (2-3h each) and 15 individual coaching sessions (1.5h each). Help researchers navigate the entrepreneurial world and scale their developments ready for the potential market.
Lab tour of the EIC board director in Jozef Stefan Institute
The president of the board of the European Innovation Council Michiel Scheffer visit the lab in Jozef Stefan Institute specifically for the ThemoDust project (photo by Marjan Verč@IJS).
University of Twente recently installed a new transient plane source (TPS) instrument
This facilitates the ThermoDust project to control the thermal properties of both powder and bulk materials.